
Starship troopers warrior bugs
Starship troopers warrior bugs

Personally I wish you could freely articulate the Warrior Bug’s front claws without the figure bursting into pieces. By pressing down on the Warrior Bug’s front claws, the creature’s head pops in half to reveal gory green bug brains. Humm, yeah.Īnother irritating design choice was the figure’s action gimmick. To make up for it, Galoob concealed a small magnet on the Warrior Bug’s upper lip so you could attach a micro figure to it, you know, so it looks like the creature is eating a soldier. However, it has always frustrated me that the jaw on this figure can’t open and close. The jaw sure looks like it can move (and it would have been easy enough for Galoob to have included ), but no dice. Standing approximately 5-inches long and 4-inches tall, this Warrior Bug featured a decent range of movement with its swivel “waist” and four ball-jointed main legs.

starship troopers warrior bugs

The Battle Pack Warrior Bug impresses with its bold black and yellow Arachnid design and easy to display smaller size.

starship troopers warrior bugs

Both figures had their pros and cons, but for the money, the bigger bug was the better value. That brings us back to Galoob’s Starship Troopers toyline, in particular, their killer looking Warrior Bug action figures.Ĭollectors had their choice of two Warrior Bug action figure sizes: a 5-inch Battle Pack version with Micro Machine-sized Mobile Infantry figures to eat (fight it), or a massive 10-inch Electronic Warrior Bug with (annoying) sound effects. The “bug” battles in this movie are everything (it was nominated the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects). To me that’s all part of Starship Troopers’ cheesy charm. Many critics found the movie silly and juvenile with its young, attractive cast (Doogie Howser!), wooden acting and over-the-top gory action.

starship troopers warrior bugs

Heinlein novel it was loosely based on, but because anything from the director of Robocop and Total Recall had to be cool.Īlas, Starship Troopers was a box-office bomb. I was one of the first people in line to watch this movie, not because I was a huge fan of the Robert A.

starship troopers warrior bugs

In 1997, Galoob caught my attention with their awesome action figures and vehicles based on Paul Verhoeven’s violent R-rated sci-fi movie, Starship Troopers.

Starship troopers warrior bugs